Carly Rae Heathcote is a theater maker, writer and designer. Centering around the deformation of narratives and material to a place of uncertainty, her work aims to call into question the potential of stories and narratives to act as salvation or imprisonment. Her interest lies in creating estranged worlds that explore a perverse negotiation of doubt and belief, of fascination and horror. In her masters project, The Incantation Ploy, two figures traverse seven scenes that play at becoming a prophetic message, a nonsense machine with a hidden center.
Carly obtained her masters in Drama from KASK Conservatorium and bachelors in Fine Arts Costume Design from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp. Recently she co-directed and designed the Cosmic Meaning Illusion from Jana De Kockere and Ferre Vuye. Her design collaborations have included Ambient Theater Fury and Bartlebabe from Anna Franziska Jager and Nathan Ooms, Please (don’t) let me be (mis)understood from Geert Belpaeme, Ferox Tempus from Luanda Casella, Indoor Weather from Bosse Provoost and Ezra Veldhuis, and A MA ZON EN from Marijn Graven.
In residentie BURN GLASS GATE
01.11.2024 – 01.11.2024

Moving through a field, wading up a river, standing in a parking lot and lounging in a graveyard, we see three characters cross one another over and over again. Set in the now, their lives appear stagnant until the disappearance of one of the characters exposes the fragile grip they have on what they consider to be true. Focused on a thin line between truth and madness, a fictional world arises that both seduces and deceives the spectator.
In her work, Carly Rae Heathcote constructs large-scale theatrical images and narratives, wherein characters are caught between doubt and belief, fascination and horror. As a spectator, you are taken on a humorous journey that repeatedly leads you astray.