Caravan Production


About Caravan Production

Caravan Production, founded in 2008, is an artistic guidance agency that collaborates with a series of international artists who have a connection with Brussels. The artistic focus is on movement, explored in its various forms and through unique formats that cross genres, are curious and offer a critical and original view of reality. Collaborations range from (pre- and post-) production and promotion to administration and financial management. These collaborations are built on a medium or long term basis and assume different modalities according to the specific needs of the artists and the specificities of the supported projects.


Projects in cooperation with Caravan Production

in residence

01.05.2024 – 01.05.2024

No lemons no melon
Inga Huld Hákonardóttir

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in residence

02.12.2024 – 17.12.2024

Ben & Véro
Benjamin Vandewalle

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