Rita Hoofwijk


Rita Hoofwijk is a Dutch artist. The motivation for her work always arises from a specific location or context. The work itself materializes in various forms, from spatial interventions and installations to audio and text. It explores the possibilities of the environments in which it finds itself, either mentally or physically, and seems to ask for a reconsideration of an (initial) observation. What emerges is a collection of work of different form and scale, which sometimes can only take place once and other times only exists in repetition.

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Rita Hoofwijk

Photo: Rita Hoofwijk

In residentie facing faces

facing faces is an installation that makes people look at people. This performative installation is a proposal for thinking about how we view and perceive each other. With this installation, Rita Hoofwijk asks what happens in our thoughts when we look the people around us in the eye every day. Like an analogue film, a reel of portraits by Rita Hoofwijk is played before their eyes. Each face has a title that tells how this person is seen. That description colors the view, remains incomplete, offers the viewer a framework and asks the question: “How do you see yourself?”. What matters is that we look longer and more intensively together again.

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