
C-TAKT is the name of the merger between the arts workshops of C-mine Cultuurcentrum (Genk) and TAKT Dommelhof, including Musica, wpZimmer, Platform 0090, SoAP and In Situ as structural partners. C-TAKT focuses on artists and companies that work transdisciplinary and on young talent. In the week of September 17 to 24, 2017, C-TAKT#1 in C-mine culture center will present both finished productions and work-in-progress by young talents. Expect an adventurous week in which talent from within and outside Limburg shows the future of the performing arts.

Radouan Mriziga, Mario Leko, Judith Clijsters, Layla Önlen/Huseyin Umaysiz, Youness Khoukhou, Enkidu Khaled, Eva Line De Boer, Maxim Storms & Lobke Leirens, Kyoko Scholiers, Dries Gijsels & Renée Goethijn, Vera Tussing, Het Nieuwstedelijk/Lucas Derycke, Yvan Vander Sanden, Jo Caimo, Sien Van Maele, Yentl De Werdt, Benjamin Vandewalle, Kevin Trappeniers