Myriam Van Imschoot
The vocal performance ensemble YouYou Group always demonstrates the liberating power of the voice. The performers anoint and scourge your hearing with impressive vocal impact. Softly shimmering or loudly blaring: you will never forget the well-known vibrating cries or youyous. Youyou is a French translation of the zaghareet. It is an age-old cry of intense joy, especially heard at weddings or births.
Hamel is YouYou Group’s first full-length musical theater performance for the main hall. Expect a contemporary version of the legend about the flautist who rids a city of a plague of rats. When his reward is not forthcoming, a plague can no longer be avoided. In Arabic, ‘hamel’ means, among other things, ‘I want…’ and ‘neglect’. Hamel will be a special vocal journey that will resonate for a long time.