Winternights 2024
David Bergé, Emi Kodama, Samuel Baidoo
The ninth edition of Winternights returns this year to the Lutheran Church and the Statenkwartier in Maastricht. The festival offers a glimpse behind the scenes of the performing arts, with work-in-progress presentations by today’s talents and tomorrow’s vanguard. These ‘unfinished’ projects are presented by innovative, groundbreaking makers who cannot be captured in traditional disciplines. Think of choreographers, theatre makers, performers, composers, filmmakers and visual artists who explore new forms with daring projects and combine disciplines such as performance, installation art, dance and theatre.
Whether you are a maker, enthusiast, colleague, programmer, student or partner – we cordially invite you to participate in Winternights. During the festival, twelve selected makers will present unfinished work that they want to test and investigate, together with you. The Lutheran Church will once again be the beating heart of Winternights, with various spaces in and around the church and the Statenkwartier being transformed into studios, presentation spaces, laboratories and dance floors.
This year, the following talented makers will contribute to Winternights:
Samuel Baidoo, Princess Isatu Hassan Bangura, David Bergé, Rita Bifulco, Laura Dreyer, Ata Güner, Emi Kodama, Sofie Kramer, Salomé Mooij, Naomi Steijger, Barbara TJonck, Hüseyin Umaysiz
In addition to the public program, Winternights offers morning sessions in which makers, interested parties and professionals can meet and deepen. These sessions are all about exchange and inspiration: conversations, ideas and fantasies are given the space to grow freely and spontaneously.