Gizem Aksu
Yu is an “expanded performance” about research into organic wisdom through fascinated attention in a visceral garden.
This research is less about the essence of visceral organs than about the complex correlations of organs and life. Organic wisdom is about the sense of life with reference to the existence of visceral organs. As fascinated attention increases
consciousness expands to the ambiguity between the internal and the external, the visible and the invisible, the material (fleshy) and the immaterial (energetic), the performer discovers ways to feel, move and move the body with these archaic, organic and spontaneous wisdom that the visceral organs always offer to life.
Each of them could be understood as an independent body – without the other – and also as a collective attitude, correlationality, coexistence towards life. Visceral organs, with their ambiguity regarding internal-external, visible-invisible, material (fleshy)-immaterial (energetic), provide a radical way to delve into various layers of spatiality and temporality. They seem difficult to grasp with the linguistic categories and socioculturally produced properties/challenges of the body, such as internal/external, visible/invisible, abject/beautiful, black/white, European/Asian, the West/the East, naked/veiled, dark/illuminated, open/closed, life/death, past/present etc.
As all these categories get closer to organs, something always slips on the slippery ground of the visceral organs. None of these qualities could understand the dynamics that live within them. What kind of relationships might one discover if one were to regard them as a dynamic living reference for dislocated temporalities, spatialities and corporeities. Visceral organs, with their ambiguity regarding internal and external, visible and invisible, material (fleshy) and immaterial (energetic), provide a radical way to delve into various layers of spatiality and temporality.
This work is an attempt to think about body and life in a provocative and productive way; the electromagnetic spheres that all hearts/intestines/stomachs resonate with, that stir – meaning, reality and life. Silence and darkness welcome the unseen and inaudible presence deep within the body. With/in the silence of the muscular ground, perhaps it is time for the organs to dance, to shake and tremble the world!