hEAR DROPS – Paperwork
Take a piece of paper, explore different sounds, build up layers and enjoy your own polyrhythmic creations. Even very young children can give you inspiration to start an artistic interaction. They participate in their own way in a musical setting. No rules: just listening, playing and reacting in the moment.
Artlink: Paper Music by Josef Anton Riedl
“In Paper Music two performers handle various types of paper in various ways until the material has been used up. This is recorded on tape. In performance another set of paper is used up, but this time the performers improvise to their own tape, whereby the control of the reproduction is influenced by the live-performance: improvisation with feedback.” (Dieter Schnebel)
hEAR DROPS promotes cooperation between children and adults based on shared criteria. The principle is simple: watch an episode together, discuss what you’ve seen and heard, watch again, interpret the rules of the game, discuss context and materials, perform together, evaluate together.